Former Miami Hurricanes All-American Bryant McKinnie owes the father of rapping superstar Trick Daddy $375,000 for bills run up at South Florida strip clubs, a new lawsuit says.
The rapper’s father, Charles “Pop” Young, filed the lawsuit in Miami-Dade Circuit Court Monday afternoon. Young says that McKinnie, who is currently an offensive lineman for the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens, racked up big bills at the strip clubs between February 2009 and September 2010, borrowing the money from him.
McKinnie frequented clubs at which he was present, said Young, who at the time was the general manager of the King of Diamonds club. He is now the vice president of the Diamonds Gentlemen’s Club and CEO of the Queen of Diamonds strip club, which is located off I-95 just north of Golden Glades.
McKinnie agreed to repay the money but to date he has not repaid any of it, according to the lawsuit. Young is seeking to recover the money plus interest, as well as his costs, through his suit.